
Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the records of Boston import merchants 理查德·克拉克和他的儿子们,亨利·布罗姆菲尔德(1727-1820),约翰·布罗姆菲尔德(1743-1807)和约翰 Bromfield (1779-1849); and papers of the Bromfield, Clarke, and Allen families, including correspondence, financial records, and commonplace-books.

Biographical Sketches

Richard Clarke (1711-1795) was born in Boston, Mass. on 1 May 1711, the son of William Clarke and Hannah Appleton Clarke. He graduated from Harvard College in 1729. 作为波士顿商人和东印度公司的代理人,他以理查德的名义经营他的生意 Clarke and Sons with his sons Edward, Jonathan, and Isaac. One of Massachusetts' largest tea 3日,克拉克在国王街的商店引起了大规模的抗议 Nov. 1773年,他拒绝辞去东印度委员会的职务,他的茶就是其中之一 thrown into Boston Harbor on 16 Dec. 1773.

克拉克于1773年5月3日与伊丽莎白·温斯洛结婚,这对夫妇有12个孩子. His daughter 苏珊娜·法纳姆·克拉克(1745-1836)于1769年嫁给了艺术家约翰·辛格尔顿·科普利,并搬到了纽约 London. A Loyalist, Clarke left Boston in Dec. 1775 and lived with the Copleys in London until his death on 27 Feb. 1795.

Henry Bromfield (1727-1820) was born in Boston on 12 Nov. 1727, the son of Edward Bromfield and Abigail Coney Bromfield. A merchant in Boston and London, he served for seven months in 1777 as a colonel in the Continental Army. After the war, he lived primarily at his farm in Harvard, Mass.

1749年,布罗姆菲尔德与玛格丽特·费耶韦瑟(1732-1761)结婚,育有五个孩子。 Margaret Bromfield (1750-1765); Henry Bromfield (1751-1837); Abigail Bromfield Rogers (1753-1791); Sarah Bromfield Pearson (1757-1831); and Edward Bromfield (1760-1761). After 玛格丽特于1761年死于天花,布罗姆菲尔德与汉娜·克拉克(1734-1785)结婚 Richard Clarke, in 1762. Their daughters were Elizabeth Bromfield Rogers (1763-1833) and Lucretia Harris Bromfield (1765-1844).

John Bromfield (1743-1807) was born in Boston in 1745, the youngest 爱德华·布罗姆菲尔德和阿比盖尔·科尼·布罗姆菲尔德的儿子,亨利·布罗姆菲尔德的兄弟. A Boston 约翰是一个商人,他娶了马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特的安·罗伯茨(1749-1828). in 1770, and the couple had three children: John, Edward, and Ann. Their son John Bromfield (1779-1849) was a Boston 波士顿雅典娜博物馆的商人和赞助人,以及许多慈善事业.

Collection Description

收集的大部分内容包括信件、账目、收据、清单和收据 其他与波士顿理查德·克拉克父子公司进出口贸易有关的商业文件 merchants and tea importers; the import-export trade conducted by Henry Bromfield, son-in-law of Richard Clarke; and the trade business of Henry's brother, John Bromfield, and John's son, John Bromfield. Among the Clarkes' papers are accounts of goods shipped on the Adventure and the Sarah in 1758; Richard Clarke's ca. 1760-1770年与托马斯·博伊尔斯顿,罗伯特·布雷克,亨利的金融交易收据 Bromfield, W. D. Cheever, Caleb Davis, Edmund Quincy, Nathaniel Ropes, and others; Edward 克拉克的信笺(影印本)、账目和与进口货物有关的信件 commodities to Boston from 1758 to 1768; and an 11 Aug. 1769 letter from Richard Clarke and Son 我谨致函商务委员会,同意扣留一批茶叶.

亨利·布罗姆菲尔德的商业文件包括一本1750-1764年的提货单,里面有 entries for logwood, rum, and sugar; and a letterbook, 1773-1775, containing retained copies of 与国内外公司的商务往来以及给他弟弟托马斯的信件 讨论贸易的细节,导致美国独立战争的事件,以及美国的人物 Boston.

约翰·布罗姆菲尔德(1743-1807)和约翰·布罗姆菲尔德(1779-1849)的论文从1755年到1818年. Of 有关在英国扣押船只的文件 Dolphin in 1773 and Industry in 1775; and accounts, 船上货物的收据、舱单和商品价格 Marie, 1794-1795. Correspondence of John Bromfield (1779-1849) describes business conditions at Hamburg in 1799; in England in 1804, including business with Theodore Lyman in Boston; and in England aboard the Marie during the 1808 embargo, 包括信件,讨论运送一批货物的财务和人身危险 goods from the United States. On a trip to Canton, China, from 1809 to 1811, Bromfield's letters describe life, business conditions, and events.

克拉克家族的文件包括1726年威廉·克拉克子女的监护记录 kept by Mary W. Clarke Saltonstall; personal tax and rental receipts of Richard Clarke; and 克拉克在伦敦写给女婿亨利·布罗姆菲尔德(1786-1791)的三封信.

布罗姆菲尔德家族文件包括约翰的遗孀安·罗伯茨·布罗姆菲尔德的家庭收据 Bromfield (1743-1807), who lived in Newburyport after her husband's death, 1807-1816; receipts of John Bromfield (1779-1849) while living in Boston, 1815-1818; letters and accounts of Edward and Eliza Bromfield, 1786-1795; and papers related to Edward Bromfield (1724-1746) and the loan 他的肖像寄给哈佛医学院,主要是弗雷德里克·T. Lewis to Ellen Louise (Slade) Bigelow, 1927-1947.

艾伦家族的文件包括1719年和1733年在Muscongus(今缅因州)的土地契约。 conveyed to the William Clarke family; letters from Daniel Allen in Kingston, Jamaica, to 凯瑟琳·艾伦在波士顿讨论个人和家庭事务,以及1714年的那批货 of an enslaved girl to Boston; and a 1714 letter from Eleazer Allen to Katherine Allen describing his business venture in South Carolina.

其他文件包括波士顿、塞勒姆和佩蒂斯夸姆斯库特(今天)的土地契约 罗德岛),1672年至1735年,包括爱德华·哈钦森等人1735年的契据. to Samuel Waldo and Middlecott Cooke for grist mills. Also included are two unidentified commonplace-books, ca. 1888.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Jean Wagnière, 1967. Additions were a gift of Daniel C. Wagnière, Georges H. Wagnière, and Frédéric Wagnière, May 2014.

Box List to the Collection

Box 1
Loose papers, 1672-1816
Box 2
Loose papers, 1759-1947
OS Box
Oversize papers
Vol. 1
Henry Bromfield bill of lading book, 1750-1764
Vol. 2
Richard Clarke receipt book, [1760-1770]

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Allen family.
Bigelow, Ellen Louise Slade, 1860-
Bromfield, Ann Roberts, 1749-1828.
Bromfield, Edward, 1724-1746.
Bromfield, Henry, 1727-1820.
Bromfield, John, 1743-1807.
Bromfield, John, 1779-1849.
Bromfield, Thomas, 1733-1816.
Clarke, Edward, 1737-1770.
Clarke family.
Clarke, Richard, 1711-1795.
Clarke, William, 1735-1761.
Lewis, Frederick Thomas, 1875-1951.


Richard Clarke and Sons (Boston, Mass.).


Boston (Mass.)--Commerce--China--Canton.
Boston (Mass.)--Commerce--England.
Canton (China)--Commerce--Massachusetts--Boston.
China trade.
Embargo, 1807-1809.
Real property--Massachusetts--Boston.
Real property--Massachusetts--Pettisquamscutt.
Real property--Massachusetts--Salem.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Causes.

Materials Removed from the Collection

爱德华·布罗姆菲尔德(1695-1756)的肖像照片被移到了小肖像(照片). 9.38).